LL ManQuest Tips and Tricks

The golden tip is that the horses always come first 

1. Heart Burn............Mustard works for more than hot dogs! Try a tablespoon of mustard to relieve heartburn.

2. By moving and extending your windshield wiper dispenser hose on your vehicle and rerouting hose to the radiator- you can cool an engine with just the touch of a button!

3. If you get leaches on your feet from bank fishing- put your foot near ants and the ants will remove leaches!

4.If you do not have a lighter there is another way to light a fire! take a battery and steel wool take the steel wool and touch both ends on the battery then the steel wool will start to heat up then light on fire!!!!

5. Did u know that you can use spiderwebs as Band-Aids and spiderwebs are also a natural antibiotic for infection it prevents it!!!

6. (Mom tip for the ladies) Powdered Milk ladies! A milk bath soak! Take 1 cup powdered milk and add to bath, submerge and soak! Don't forget to let hair soak as long as possible! your hair will be softer than it's ever been, and your skin will glow with moisture!

7. NEVER put your food on a fast horse! Thank God for Thelma and Louise (Donkeys!) There's nothing worse than trying to catch your food as it runs and bucks miles and miles away!

8. Rattle Snake is Better than chicken! Simple recipe: After you peel back the skin and clean: cut into sections (about 4 inches) sauté with oil, onion, and garlic. Eat like ribs and enjoy! 

9. When hand fishing: toss the fish to the bank instead of trying to capture in the water!

10. Emergency heater: 1 tin can, 1 pocket knife

  - above bottom of can, cut a small door about 1/2 way up. Fill door with small twigs, sticks, and or cardboard etc. light and enjoy warmth. It can even be used as a lantern!

11. Hot rocks really do work under your bedroll! just don't burn yourself!

12. Mayo wick candle: empty tuna can, cut notch in top (for wick). Take oil from separated mayo and put in tuna can. Add old strip of jean material in can for wick. Let the wick soak up oil and light!

13. Parent tip: the bottom of the bed roll works really well as a yoga mat!

14. Melting mothballs on bottom of hoof; can temporarily relieve pain for your horse.

15. 1 jar Vaseline, 1 jar pine tar, 1 quart 15 40 motor oil (mix together- very short microwave time) let cool. Paint on horse hooves to soften for shoeing.

16. Pringles can bag: Take empty pringles can, poke 2 holes adjacent from each other (about 2 inches from top). Take rope or twine: push through 1 hole, tie knot in end- pull snug to make sure it stays in hole. Repeat other side. Attach lid. Great for hiking, snacks, storage etc. 

17. if you get a cut: apply eggshell membrane and it will help prevent scaring

18. you can use a Leatherman and a pair of fencing pliers to remove a horseshoe it is not easy.

19.  Fishing tip, snake meat it great for caching turtle's, red eared slider, snapping and softshell turtle's.

20. The best way to beat the HEAT is to eat hot food like peppers and chili's. It will burn but after, you will feel cool. 

21. Candy is the leading defense against hanger!! Hanger/hangry definition: Angry and hungry

22. To prevent losing your horses put a bell around their neck. It will help in trees. and for at night wrap the bells with reflective tape, to reflect your flashlight.

23.If you are ever caught in a Mormon cricket migration, follow the diagram below it took 3 sleepless nights to get it, so Mormon crickets are cannibalistic if you squish one, four will come eat the one.


Note: We are not licensed professionals, physicians, or contractors. Make sure any tips and tricks are well ventilated and under the supervision of a responsible adult. Have fun but safety is always first!