
Thank you Old Middlegate Station Besides the best burger ever and most accommodating staff and management on all of hwy 50 Old Middlegate station Russel and Fredda Stevenson are the kindness caring people you could imagine. Because of their kind hearts not only helping us repair a destroyed axle, but their offer also to work for room and board allowed us much needed shower and shelter. no amount of money could equal a hamburger and soda to a truly hungry and thirsty man, Lucus and Levi learned what a true gift is and the true meaning of grateful, passing on candy, video games to work and eat and be damn grateful for it. Passing a huge hurdle to becoming men, priorities. We will miss you all, and we will carry you in our hearts for the rest of our journey!

nomadic sposerd us playstation

Thank you, Chris Hicks, Fallon Stillwater Reservation. Our trip is so much easier after meeting Chris at his junk yard. The Military axles and support van have made our mom happy and wagons stronger. Through you, we learned more that we can mention; but most of all we learned what example of a friend we want to be. Chris is an old school cowboy and mustanger, maybe the last one. Levi learned first-hand how the real mustangers did it and conquered his fear with a new horse Mr. Hicks helped us acquire. Levi broke the horse in and in our book, passed a test of man hood. Anyone can ride a bike but how many fifteen-year-olds are breaking horses? Lucus took initiative with Mr. Hicks and helped sell items from Mr. Hicks wonderland of a junk yard. Lucus's effort helped us to eat that week. a definite lesson learned and man quest thumbs up! Chris, thank you thank you. our trip is a large part possible because of you.
Thank you, Grandma Malinda, for sponsoring our webpage and for donating a GoPro to help us on our quest. We love you grandma, and can't wait to share our journey with you
A big thanks to Terry and Larry Merritt From Elko for donating a pack saddle and Panyards and surprising our mom with a riding saddle for her birthday, hobbles, halters and sharing your wisdom with us to better our ways to pack our pack saddles and some trade secrets aka bells. Again, We say thank you. They also made us some of the best food of the trip so far, thank you again, Great Friends!